Friday Morning
Oil Painting Level: Beginner / Intermediate All Levels Welcome Fridays: 9:30-12:30 AM Saturday Morning Oil Painting Level: Beginner/Intermediate All Levels Welcome Thursday: 1:00-4:00 PM Both Groups are Ongoing - Month by Month The first week of the month is always off. Most months there are 3 classes however some can have 2 and others 4. These classes are a round continuing class since Jan 2016. We have seen some beautiful work come from this group. It's a mixture of levels and we LOVE it that way. We all have been beginners and we get it! Learn the full process from concept to completion of an original oil painting. Learn how to plan for success. We will cover painting techniques, drawing, color mixing, and theory, composition, and plein air. Plein is simply means "painting in the outside (fresh air). Most classes start with a short demonstration small digestible bites information to help you in your journey. We'll discuss what makes an image paintable and we all get involved in our friendly group critiques. You WILL be challenged. You WILL have fun!! Make up opportunities will be offered Starter kits Available for purchase.. The class begins Julie scheduling a free orientation prior to your first class. New students welcome (as space allows) Class Size 6 Max/($28/week) Sign up for a month at a time. These classes run year round however we may take some time off in the summer months. |